High Quality Designer Formal Pants
- Regular Price
- $129.99
- Sale Price
- $129.99
- Regular Price
- $0.00
- Unit Price
- per
Clothing Detail
-You can pay using Western Union, Moneybookers, Visa, MasterCard credit cards,bank transfer.
-(If you need to pay in another way,please contact us,we wiill offer another payment method,we also accept the payment by the email adress).
-Please make the payment within 3 days.
-If you have any problem on payment, please inform us.
-All the orders are handled within 5 workdays after we receive payment,so please pay it ASAP, so that we could ship it out timely after you make order.
-Items will be shipped via Post Air Mail, EMS, epacket, DHL, FedEx or UPS.
-All our items will be shipped to buyer's address which offered by buyers, please confirm your address for payment.
-Online tracking available. Tracking number and webste will be offered once items shipped.
-Please allow 20-60 working days (depends on where you are) for delivery (from the date of dispatch), because all items will be shipped from our warehouse in China via Air Mail.
-Ps: We provide combine shipping, but the shipping fee depend on the weight of items. So if you want to do combine shipping, please give us the item name you want, and we will calculate you the total price including shipping.
Sizing Guides
For Size Charts Please see Images or Description for Details, If there is no Size Chart Available Reach out on Our Online Chat Or try our sizing guide page HERE
At Luxurious Weddings, we offer a vast range of Made-to-Fit Clothing, crafted specifically for you at the time of ordering. You can choose from standard sizing or provide your measurements for a custom-made fit. If an item is customizable, it will be noted in the product description. When placing your order, you'll find a section at checkout where you can leave a note. Here, you can specify your measurements, color choices, or any other details you'd like to add to your order. If you have any other questions, feel free to use our online chat or email us at luxurious.weddingsnz@gmail.com.